Osho Day
€ 45,00
An Osho Day for all Osho lovers. A celebration and meeting of friends, with meditations, live music, a documentary of the life of Osho, and information. The Sannyas Party Band is a lively band of guitars, violin, flute, percussion and vocals, with Johannes, Gyanam and friends.
An Osho Day for all Osho lovers. A celebration and meeting of friends, with meditations, live music, a documentary of the life of Osho, and information. The Sannyas Party Band is a lively band of guitars, violin, flute, percussion and vocals, with Johannes, Gyanam and friends.
09.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome
11.00 Osho documentary ‘10.000 SHADES OF OSHO‘ or Osho Nataraj meditation
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Music Group with the Sannyas Party Band
16.00 Love Meditation
17.00 Closing.
After Party on the Beach (optional).
Italian filmmaker Lakshen Sucameli has made a fascinating docu about Osho’s life: ‘10,000 Shades of Osho.’ Especially for this Osho Day,
€ 45 incl. lunch.
€ 35 Early Bird (booking before 9 September).
Vrienden van Osho have joined with the Osho Humaniversity in organising this day. For over forty years the residents of Humaniversity form a unique residential community based on meditation and therapy.