Being in The Heart
Interview with Geetee
I have spent the last 40 years exploring what this means for me, and one of the steps was to identify what my heart is, besides my physical heart. I consider my heart to be the centre of all my bodies, especially the emotional one. I do not know scientifically where my emotions originate, but I like to trace them back to my heart on a feeling level. This is the clearest way for me to relate to it.
You can connect with the heart by placing your awareness on your physical heart in your chest. Feel your heart from the front, from the back, on both sides and from the top and the bottom. Imagine you are wrapping your heart in your feeling sense, your feeling awareness.
You can then charge your heart by thinking of a loving situation, or something that makes you feel good and promotes love. You you can cultivate that loving feeling by allowing it to resonate from your heart into your body. This feeling can flow through your heart, along your arms, down into the hands, up your neck, into the stomach, pelvis, legs and you can feel the warm energy streaming from your heart. These sensations can create a natural smile; you feel good with yourself.
This is the base from which I like to relate. My practice is to relate from this space when connecting with others, in whatever I am doing: working, leading a workshop or simply walking in nature where I am able to fully appreciate my surroundings.
When relating, I need to be aware of what is happening inside of me. Usually this means connecting to the different feelings in my body. The easiest way for me to check in with my heart and myself is to identify whether I feel good or not. A negative state is a clear indication for me to look deeper, in order to identify what is happening: Am I afraid? Am I feeling sad, or in pain? Am I anticipating something? Am I uncomfortable, and if so, with what?
I trace my feelings to the root of what is happening inside of me, and from there I have a choice: do I want pursue this negative space or do I want to change it? And if so, what would I rather experience? What would this experience look like? How can I contribute to this experience? Then I have a route forward and a direction for my energy to be employed to create a different and more fulfilling reality for myself.
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